BINDER-RIHA Associates, Inc.







Dr. Carl Binder began his career as a student with B. F. Skinner at Harvard University in 1972. He spent ten years as Associate Director of a human learning research laboratory, where his work established a foundation for what was to become the FluencyBuilding instructional technology. He founded Precision Teaching and Management Systems, Inc., in 1982 to bring the fruits of this research and development to corporations and other large organizations. He founded Product Knowledge Systems, Inc., in 1992 with Information Mapping, Inc., to extend fluency-based performance systems and what are now called "knowledge management" strategies to Fortune 500 sales and marketing organizations. More recently, he co-founded Binder Riha Associates with the goal of enabling clients to adopt and implement research-based performance improvement methods themselves (versus outsourcing them), thereby developing their own core organizational competencies. He is a leader in the field of Human Performance Technology, a widely sought after speaker, and author of dozens of publications in the fields of instructional design, performance improvement, knowledge management, sales and marketing, and educational policy.

Click here to email Carl directly.

Cynthia Riha has more than 20 years of business development, marketing and management experience from diverse industries, including transportation, hospitality, telecommunications, manufacturing/engineering, and aerospace. She has been a top sales producer, sales manager, business development strategist, entrepreneur and business development consultant. Most recently she served as VP of Marketing in a telecommunications startup, successfully coordinating the effort to raise venture capital and position the company in a rapidly changing marketplace. Her business acumen combines with excellent communication and analysis skills to provide our clients with tools, processes, and strategic advice for improving sales, marketing, and customer service performance.

Click here to email Cynthia directly.

Our Associates: We work with a network of senior level Associates who have either been directly employed using the methodologies or have supported our work and research over the years.. If you are interested in joining our network, please contact us for more information.



Copyright © 2006 Binder Riha Associates